Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Flower Power

Since my friend's bridal shower is coming up and I'm in charge of making the dessert, I came across this idea that I saw on a website. Basically, it was using marshmallows and cutting it into pieces and assembling it like a flower. In the middle, I just used a pastel colored M & M. The cupcakes were lemon cupcakes. As you can also see, my daugther was trying to come up with her own flower idea too (1st picture). Got to give her credit for trying......
The only problem I have with this is that the marshmallow makers do not make those colorful marshmallows anymore. They only offer the pink ones or white ones. But since my friend's wedding colors are yellow and bluish, I had to figure out a way to make the petals yellowish. My solution was this spray mist that Wilton or some other baking brand (I forgot) offered where you can just spray the surface of your cake, creams, etc with whatever color you like. So I got yellow....and as you can see, it was ok compared to the pink one! I liked the pink one more but again it's not her colors...wonder if she minds......hmmm.


  1. These cupcakes are so cute Jenny! Smart idea. Too bad I didn't try them, but they look good =)

  2. Hi Jenni,

    I am so happy that I am one of your guinea pigs! So far soooo good!! Last week's whole wheat blueberry scuffins were simply delightful. The pleasantly, plump blueberries along with the rich fiber in the whole wheat, made a very delicious and nutritious muffin!!!
    I also enjoyed the whole wheat chocolate chip and walnut cookies. I have been using whole wheat flour, but I never tried it for cookies. My granddaughter is visiting, I think we'll try a batch!!! Thanks Jenni!!
