Monday, May 24, 2010

Chocolate Chip & Almond Cookies

These cookies were made out on a whim because my daughter wanted some chocolate chip cookies that she saw from a book. So we ventured out to make it. Originally, the cookies were made without almonds for my daughter is not a fan of any nuts. So I made some for her without nuts and after she ate enough of it, I thought it needed something. That's where the almonds came in since I had them in my pantry. Came out pretty good but I think the next time I make it again, I'm going to put in some dry cranberries or cherries. From this baking experience, I also learned that baking in a cookie sheet that is darker colored made a big made the cookies softer than baking it in a lighter cookie sheet. But overall, the taste was good regardless of the texture.

1 comment:

  1. Regardless of the the texture!? I think not. So I had three of these chocolate chip/almond cookies today and I had no idea some had a different consistency than others because of the baking sheet? Anyway, the first one I had was a soft one. It was good but I thought I would like the crispier one better, so I had one of the crispier ones. Nope, I liked the "soft batch" one better. So I had another one of those. Yeah, I know what you're all thinking: "With the lemon cookies, you thought they were too soft." Yeah, yeah but those were a totally different texture. It was like biting into a lemon sponge cake instead of a cookie? Anyway, these cookies were pretty tasty. On my rating scale for APPEARANCE they get an 8. All of the cookies were different shapes and sizes? Shouldn't they all sort of be the same shape and size? For TEXTURE I give the "soft batch" ones a 10 and then harder ones an 8. For TASTE I give them a 9. Good stuff Jenni. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!! :o)
