Friday, June 11, 2010

Oreo Cookies Cupcake II

Does it look store bought?

These were the same oreo cookies cupcake I made before but with frostings. I made another batch this time around with cream cheese frosting for my daughter's teacher since it was the last day of school for her. I went all out this time getting boxes for it too to make it look like it's store bought. Doesn't the box look so nice??? I totally loved them that I'm going to try and find some wholesale place that would carry these boxes at a cheaper rate (got them at Joann's).
So back to the cupcakes, they are just white cake with really smashed up oreo pieces that I wanted to have in there so when you bite the cupcake, there is no big pieces of oreo cookies. Kinda like little chocolate pieces. As for the frosting, I originally wanted to make a buttercream frosting but unfortunately I was not successful at all making that. For some reason, the frosting curdle after mixing it....strange! I would need to work on that again so I just went with my signature cream cheese frosting instead. Topped the frosting off with some crushed up oreo cookies and/or a piece of oreo cookie. Seems to work out perfect with the oreo cookies.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chi, I like how your cupcakes look in the boxes ..very store bought!!nice! Your cupcakes look great. I like how you decorated them =)
