Friday, June 4, 2010

Whole Wheat Blueberry Scuffins (hybrid of a muffin and scone?)

Muffin or Scone?

Cream cheese frosting.........

Ok......on to something totally out of my league....making a healthy treat! Here we have some whole wheat blueberry muffins...or maybe I should say scones because the texture of it came out looking like a scone. The recipe calls for honey, to which I found out might be the cause of the harder texture. On top of that, it was not that sweet either....maybe good for a healthy conscience person....but for most of us, it's kinda bland! So I decided to make it semi-healthy by topping it some cream cheese frosting!!!!! (yes, I ruined it for you health conscience people). I also learned that using applesauce in place of honey (thanks CJ for the tip) can give me that sweet and healthy conscience at all once. So next time, applesauce it is!!!!
In the meantime, I noticed that the more I am starting to bake, the more I am learning. Not from my own trial and error but from friends and co-workers giving me comments and advices! Thank you all for tasting my work of arts and for trusting in me to even eat them...hahahahhaa.......


  1. Ms. Kimela posted this in different section but I thought it should belong in here:

    kimela said...

    Hi All,

    I try to eat as healthy as possible. Pastries are my weakness. I try to use whole wheat or multi grain flour for cornbread and waffles from scratch. So today, I was pleasantly surprised by Jennie's whole wheat fresh blueberry muffins with honey!!! They were delicious! They were nice and cakey..the blueberries along with the honey added a natural sweetness. Great touch!

    June 4, 2010 10:37 AM

  2. Too be honest I didn't like your whole wheat blueberry muffins. I don't know if it was the frosting (weird taste) or the wheat cake (maybe too dry) but it didn't do it for me. But I liked the cupcakes you did before =) keep on trying amiga!

  3. Healthy scuffins? Well, I ate my scuffin on Saturday (because once again, there were scuffins, donuts and bagels to choose from...sorry, couldn't resist a donut!) and the scuffin was surprisingly pretty good. I was expecting the scuffins to be not so good because the entire morning the chef kept yapping about how, "I made these muffins with whole wheat flour and honey. I don't think I added enough honey. I don't think they're very sweet, they might not be very good...yada, yada, yada." However, after eating my scuffin, I was presently surprised. For something labeled a "healthy muffin" I thought it was sweet enough. It was a little bit dry and a little too firm but I'm not sure if that was because I had my scuffin a day later than everyone else? But the blueberries that were mixed in the batter were a nice touch. Biting into a piece of scuffin that had a blueberry, made the scuffin sweeter, less dry and also a little softer. However, I don't know how "healthy" the frosting on the scuffin was? Ha, ha. :o) You gotta read the fine print I guess? So for TASTE I give the scuffin an 8. For APPEARANCE I give them a 10, I really liked the blueberries inside the scuffins. Every tiem you bit into one, it was like finding buried treasures. For TEXTURE I have to give them a 7 (not sure if they would have been better the day of though?). Keep up the good work Jenni.
